Ask the Head Game Master to schedule a time that works for both of you to do these tests.
Why do we have these Mastery Tests? See why on the Bonus training page.
Each test may be taken as frequently as the Head Game Master permits and is available. No more than two tests may be administered on the same day.
Opening and Closing
The Game Master must go through opening and closing procedures (can use the reference page provided for Game Masters). The Head Game Master will check everything after opening or closing. Perfection is a must to pass.
Game Resetting
The Game Master must reset each game in under 10 minutes for all four games (can use the reference page provided for Game Masters). Usually can be done when the Head Game Master is there and right after a group is done with a game. Must be perfect resetting according to reference sheets to pass.
Scripts, Bookeo, Square
Do the scripts as if the Head Game Master is a group. Word for word is best, may be suitable in other ways but is not guaranteed to get the bonus.
The Game Master should make a hypothetical large group booking. The Head Game Master has the Game Master pay with Square (assuming the group is there to pay in person). In order to pass, no help from the Head Game Master must be given. The booking should be made accurately and they should be able to get to the point of where the little Square payment device lights up green lights.
What do each of the little icons mean that can appear on a booking? Show how to make a large group booking. Show how to make it tax exempt. (Not required to pass, but should be talked about.)
Policies, Phone
For each question in the FAQ section of our website, the Head Game Master will ask a question as if a customer to the Game Master. The Game Master's response should be accurate for all questions asked in order to pass. The Head Game Master may ask "why" about policies to gauge the understanding the Game Master has about the policy, however, this is not required to pass. This is a teaching/learning moment for the Game Master as well.
For each additional policy on the training site, the Head Game Master will ask a question about that policy, which the Game Master will answer. Again, accuracy and understanding of the policy should be conveyed by their response.
Answer a fake phone call from an owner who will call after completing the above section requirements.
All interpretation of answers and whether they conform to an acceptable level of mastery is reserved by the Head Game Master and owners. Ask for feedback if you would like to know how to improve!